10 Ways to Reminisce & Remember your Freedom on the 4th of July

10 Ways to Reminisce & Remember your Freedom on the 4th of July

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What does it mean to you to be independent, or to be free? We want to wish you a Happy Fourth of July by taking you back and reminiscing about your times of freedom. Celebrate life and how far you have come. This is what a time capsule is all about. Celebrating life or a specific milestone moment that changed your life or helped you feel more free, or independent.

Let’s reminisce. Remember when:

1. You first learned to walk.
2. The first time chose your own clothes to wear.
3. The first time you took your training wheels off your bike.
4. The first time you took a drink of any pop (soda for those in the south).
5. You held your first car keys to drive.
6. You went on your first date.
7. The first time you went ice skating
8. The first time you kissed a girl or boy
9. The first child you had
10. The first child you gave away in marriage or the day your first child went off to college.

Sometimes our firsts do not seem like freedom. Sometimes freedom or independence can seem hard. It is all a matter of perspective. Sometimes you do not feel the sense of freedom, until years later and then realize it was for the better. It is then, when you realize this that you have the true feeling of what “independence” is.

Even though we may experience several times of independence while growing up, we are never too far away from loved one’s hearts and minds. Make sure you spend this fourth of July building milestone moments and have fun watching each other grow and become more independent. Make it a family event this holiday by participating in an activity you will never forget.

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Make a Fourth of July Time Capsule to Reflect on one year on July 4, 2015.

Reminisce or think about what exactly has changed in your life since last year’s Fourth of July? Many times life goes by so fast, that we often forget the special and regular days in between each year. This time capsule is an activity is something you do to look back and say, “Oh that is really cool that we have this.”

Favorite 4th of July Activity to Do with your Kids – Time Capsule

Put things that mean something to your family from the year. Create a time capsule quiz about your favorite sport, movie, song, food, restaurant, tv show, shoe size or anything that has special meaning in your life this year. Personalize the quiz. Also create a family scavenger hunt for your family to do throughout the 4th of July day, before watching the fireworks together in the evening as a celebration wrap-up of your fun-filled and memorable day together. Make sure to take pictures throughout your day, and collect a few other photos from your year so far to put in your time capsule. Have fun and save your funny or meaningful family quotes in the time capsule on slips of paper to read a year later, or whenever you choose to open the time capsule. This is such a great family activity to bond you all closer, especially if one of your children are about to leave for college or become more independent.

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The Family Scavenger Hunt – Stroll Down Memory Lane

Make the Fourth of July Time Capsule activity fun, by using a scavenger hunt for the kids and adults to find items hidden in your town and house, to collect and put in your time capsule. What a fun way to experience the past year all over together. Have one item with a clue that leads to the next. For example, set it up so you have to visit the houses of several people or friends you already visited this past year for special events, birthday parties, etc to collect or find an item to put in the time capsule. I remember doing fun things like this in our youth group and it was a blast. For other ideas of what you can collect to put in the time capsule, check out this website for 100 scavenger hunt lists and ideas at http://www.diva-girl-parties-and-stuff.com/scavenger-hunts.html

Baby’s First July 4th Craft Ideas to Save in a Baby Time Capsule

If it is the first Fourth of July for your baby to see, why not collect items to put in their decorative Baby Time Capsule from https://www.timecapsule.com? Then, let your child open this time capsule years later at another Fourth of July in the future, as a way to re-celebrate what life was like when he or she was born. If you are looking for fun crafts to make for your child’s first Fourth of July, check out these at http://redtri.com/no-fire-required-10-easy-fourth-of-july-crafts/

Happy Fourth of July everyone! What are your plans for this July 4th? Comment below please.

Making Milestone Moments Count,
