Make the Most Out of Every Moment

How to Make the Most Out of Every Moment

Seize the day quote

So what happens next in the blog story of “meeting the love of your life…?” I physically met my future wife, I met online. What an eventful day it was. Read on, to discover how to make the most out of every moment in your life.

We made it to the game and my group of friends showed up.  As I have said before, I am not really into sports.  We sat and talked and laughed and enjoyed our time.  I have no idea who won the game!  I didn’t really care!  It was just fun being there with her.

The Memorable Moment

After the game, we decided to go to Steak-n-Shake for dinner and some more fun.  While we were sitting there talking, Marcie’s phone rang.  It was her mother.  Her mother informed her that the snow had picked up at their house and they were under a “Level 3 Snow Emergency,” and that she was not to come home because it was illegal to drive in their county.  Now what?  Now, I know that in today’s world it is normally acceptable for a girl to stay at a guys house, but not for us!  We are Christian.  As Christians, we are to avoid the appearance of evil.  We wanted to make sure that others could not accuse us of doing things inappropriate, but what do you do?  It was 10:00 PM and I was not allowed to take her home any longer.

First Time Meeting the In-Laws

She was ready to get a hotel.  I was sure that, as a college student, she didn’t have the money to pay for a hotel.  I certainly didn’t either, but I had a plan.  I called my mom.  My parents were notorious for allowing people from out of town stay with them.  It was time they allowed one of my friends to stay with them.  Now, you need to understand something . . . Ever since high school, my mother has told me how much she wants to be a grandmother.  My mother was devastated when I got divorced.  My parents didn’t even know that I had been talking with a girl, and no matter how much I would have defended the position that we were just friends, my mother would not have listened.  As I suspected, she didn’t!  They agreed to let her stay with them.  I told them to go to bed as it would be late before we got there.  They stayed up, if for no other reason, just to embarrass me.

Your First Emotions after Meeting the Love of Your Life

I dropped her off and I went home.  As I laid in bed that night thinking about the day, I was amazed.  I wondered what had happened.  I wondered how this would affect my future.  Little did I know.  I wondered what tomorrow would bring.  I was happy, and scared at the same time.  I wondered what should would do for clothes and a toothbrush, but thought the whole situation was funny.

The next day, I picked her up early.  My dad had already begun to harass her about breakfast.  My dad loves nothing more than to have breakfast made for him.  I imagine the conversation went something like this:

My dad would say, “Marcie, would you like some breakfast?

Marcie would reply, “Sure, how about some scrambled eggs?”

My dad would say ok and then would leave to go upstairs.  He would then proceed to wake up my mother and say, “Marcie would like Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast.  It sounds good to me.  Can you make that for us?”

My mother, being the saint that she is, got up and cooked.

Knowing the way my mother is, she would then get up to be a good hostess to her house guest by making the breakfast she has requested.

I wanted to spare all this trouble, but I was too late.  Nonetheless, I arrived and had breakfast with them, then rescued my new friend from my parents home.

Stuck in the Storm

She came to work with me during the morning.  Since I work for my dad, I took the rest of the afternoon off.  I was planning on taking her home, but after calling her mother, we were still not allowed to drive in her county.  She was stuck for at least another day!  We enjoyed our day, went to a movie, and I had some friends over that evening to play games.

I am happy to say that I have never been so happy to have someone stranded in my life!

You know sometimes we can get frustrated, or stuck in awkward positions in life. We can feel like there is no way out. We can feel that things will not get better. Or…sometimes we just need to slow down, stop and think about the positive or gratitude in the situation. Because my future wife’s life was on pause and she was stuck in Indianapolis due to the bad snow storm, we built a very close relationship. It was a day I was grateful for, and a blessing in disguise for both of us.

Baby Time Capsule

How do you make the most out of every moment?

  • Change your mindset.  Decide what you truly value in life and about life, and then live each day accordingly soaking up the positive you see and learning from the difficult moments in your day. 
  • Do something every day you enjoy, even if it is only 15 minutes.
  • Smile more often during the good and bad times. It lifts your mood. Laugh at the little things more, and learn relaxation techniques that help you.
  • Unplug your cell phone or other distracting technology. You just may become more creative and experience the world in different ways.
  • Reflect on your moment now, and years later by preserving it in a time capsule from

Make the most out of every moment quote

It is important to enjoy every moment in your life, even if it is the boring car drive to work or school,or doing the laundry. Check out this blog about a stay-at-home-mom who gets this concept of how to make the most out of every moment, at You never know what bonding moment you may miss out on with your kids in the car, if you are concentrating on how annoying they are or how frustrated you are with problems in your life. Capture the moment. Make the most out of every moment. Turn off your cell phones when in the car, and bond with your family more, even if it is only for a 15 minute drive. This moment, just may teach you all how to open up the communication lines more.

Now, that is what I call making the most out of every moment. What fun stories will you hear from your kids, that you may want to preserve in a Baby Time Capsule from The present is a wonderful gift, and is something you cannot always get back, so enjoy it. Preserve it in a time capsule with photos, written out letters or stories, videos, or other mementos from your everyday moments in life.

Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie