Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave

So you had your baby and now are having those mixed feelings about going back to work. I hope these tips for returning to work after maternity leave will help you. It can be a very difficult decision, especially if it is your first child. I don’t think there is ever any mom who is really excited to go back to work after having a baby.

When you have not been at work for 9 months, let alone the past couple of years due to raising your beautiful child, it can be hard to get back in the swing of things. Sometimes it is hard to remember how to even do an interview, if it has been a while.

You may feel very guilty leaving your child in the hands of childcare, however after a days work it is an amazing feeling coming home from wok and picking up your child. It is refreshing and encouraging knowing someone is there for you to love unconditionally. No matter how hard of a day you had at work, seeing and holding your baby can make it all go away somehow. It is amazing how powerful a baby’s love is for us.

You have new additional bills to pay. You want the best for your baby, yet do not want to leave your baby. The decision about returning to work after maternity leave is not easy, to say the least. Many times we worry more than we need to. Many times we remember the things we need to forget, and we forget the things we need to remember. Babies are resilient and love you just the same, whether you go back to work or not. Sometimes moms need a break and cannot wait to go back to work. It is difficult to not go back to work when we live in such a career driven society. Sometimes we have to give up our wants for needs.

Filling out the Application

So, when was the last time you looked at or created your resume. You may need to do some updating. If you had to pass on advice to your child about what work life is like after pregnancy, what would you say? What is important to pass on to your child about jobs, careers, family, etc that you can write about and put in your Baby’s Time Capsule? When your child graduates high-school, have them open their own Baby Time Capsule to read about all the struggles you had and the decision to go back to work. This helps your grown child know what life was like when he/she was born. You could even write about how to fill out an application when you have been home for 9 months, let alone the first few years. Teach your child how to get a job after pregnancy. There are lessons to be learned and passed on to your child here.

Have you ever seen those questions on applications asking you to fill out previous addresses where you have lived in the last 5 to 10 years? Who remembers where they used to live, let alone the exact address, in the past. Sometimes this can be hard to remember. So, this is why it would also be helpful to teach your baby to save all their address information, let alone other milestone information in their own time capsule.

Capture Memories in Time Capsule Speed Trap


Create your own Time Capsule

You may need to pull out your own DIY Time Capsule to complete this section or other information of applications, as you find a job to return to after the beginning baby years. It would be interesting and fun to take a time capsule into your interview, and pull out old information about all your accomplishments at your jobs in the past. What a fun, interactive way to show the interviewee how far you have come in life. You could also pull out the old addresses of where all you have worked in the past using your papers and addresses you have saved in your time capsule. Also, and most importantly, you will definitely be remembered at the interview as the person with the time capsule. It is always great to find ways to stand out from your competition applying for the job.

Other Tips for Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Your emotions are running wild about having to go back to work. Saying goodbye is the hardest each day, but it slowly gets easier as you get in a new routine again. Give yourself extra time to fix your make-up in the morning, after your tears come. Have fun bragging about your baby to the other employees. You may even gain new mommy tips from your co-workers to help you out. It makes it easier nowadays, when we have cell phones for babysitters or other family members to send photos of your baby throughout the day. It helps you not miss what your baby is doing throughout the day. It is like a daily time capsule moment as you open up each photo to see.

Returning to work after maternity leave


  • Find a childcare provider you trust.
  • Get in a routine before going back to work.
  • Talk to your boss about your schedule to possibly come home earlier or start earlier in the day.
  • Leave yourself extra time to get ready. You are getting ready for two now.
  • Minimize your commitments the first week you are back at work. Do not overwhelm yourself. Remember your emotions are high still.

It will be an adjustment, but here are some other helpful tips. This is a new thing for you and your baby. It is ok to cry. Just remember going back to work is helping to provide for your baby. You will always be her mommy, no matter who your baby stays with while you are gone at work.

What are some tips you have to help mommies returning to work after maternity leave? Comment below.


Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie